Wimp Wash is an all-natural tattoo numbing spray and green soap substitute created by a tattoo artist for tattoo artists. Wimp Wash continually takes the edge off to keep your clients comfortable.

There are a lot of lidocaine products out there for tattoo artists, but Wimp Wash is different. We use 4% lidocaine as well as high quality, soothing ingredients.

And the best part is, we sell Wimp Wash in 32oz bottles so you can spend more time tattooing and less time buying supplies.


  • Yes, you can use lidocaine for tattoos.

    Lidocaine comes in a variety of forms and methods that can be used for the tattoo process. Typically it’s best to begin using numbing spray once the lines are in because the skin is open. But, using too much can change the quality of skin and how it accepts the ink, leading to issues with healing.

  • Yes, numbing spray can be used on tattoos.

    Numbing spray, like Wimp Wash, can be used like you would use bactine or vasocaine. After the outline of that tattoo is complete, spray Wimp Wash on the skin and let it sit for a few minutes.

  • Technically, yes you can spray lidocaine on your skin prior to tattooing.

    That said, Wimp Wash was made to be used during the tattoo process not before and may not be as effective if used prior to outlining.

  • Both tattoo numbing cream and tattoo spray have their applications.

    Typically a cream would be used beforehand in an attempt to completely numb the area, but results may vary. Tattoo numbing cream may also impact the skins ability accept the ink as well as it would have without it.

    Tattoo numbing spray is mainly designed to be used during the tattoo, once the skin has been broken. Generally with tattoo numbing spray, ink goes into the skin as it would on natural skin.